OpIranCall to Action


People of Iran - Your rights belong to you.

The people of Iran have the admiration of Anonymous, and the entire world.

Anonymous Operation Iran

Anonymous Operation Iran

Declassified documents describe in detail how US – with British help – engineered coup against Mohammad Mosaddeq. The CIA has publicly admitted for the (...)

28 January 2015

To the noble and brave people of Iran and Syria

To the noble and brave people of Iran and Syria

The people of Iran and Syria are still being caged, tortured and murdered. They are ruled by vile leaders, who seek not to protect, but to harm. (...)

18 September 2011

Anonymous Operation Iran #opIran

Anonymous Operation Iran #opIran

It is a time of action. An era of change is sweeping the world. Everywhere, workers are taking their proper place, to lead and control their destiny. (...)

23 April 2011

Keyword OpIran

Articles = 15

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